Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Obat Anti Lemak dan Detoksifikasi

Obat Anti Lemak dan Detoksifikasi
Makin sering orang  membicarakan tentang detoks atau detoksifikasi.
Termakan iklan, sedikit-sedikit orang merasa bahwa perubahan dalam tubuhnya
merupakan reaksi yang bagus, yaitu proses detoksifikasi atau pengeluaran racun.
Racun apa yang keluar? Mungkinkah hanya racun yang keluar?
Beberapa orang senang sekali  dan tidak takut dengan makanan berlemak
karena dia punya obat anti lemak (seperti : lipitor, zocor, vytorin dan
crestor). Kemana-mana mereka membawa  anti lemak itu, terutama bila mereka
akan pergi makan. Dengan gampang dan tanpa berpikir panjang mereka mengkonsumsi
obat anti lemak sebagai makanan penutup. Mereka mengira bahwa obat itu bisa
mengeliminasi kolesterol dari makanan. Mereka mengira bahwa obat anti lemak
bisa menghilangkan lemak dalam saluran darah. Mereka tidak mengira bahwa obat
anti lemak tersebut juga membawa beberapa akibat sampingan seperti (yang sudah
diketahui): pening,  dada sakit, sulit tidur, diare, sakit persendian,
tenggorokan berlendir, mual, hidung meler, lemas dan sakit lambung (  Tapi gangguan
itu pun masih dianggap sebagai pengeluaran racun atau detoks, "Lemak itu
keluar", kata mereka. Keluar dari dan ke mana? Hehehehe..., aneh kan?
Lagi pula, dalam penggunaan jangka panjang,  statin yang terdapat pada obat anti lemak juga
dapat membuat kerusakan otak (membuat otak mengkerut) sehingga menjadi
 pikun, amnesia dan penyakit demensia (memory loss) yang lain serta juga
kerusakan syaraf seperti "tidak bisa merasakan" (numbness)
Lipitor juga sering disebut sebagai "Pencuri Ingatan". 
(,, )
Jadi, mengapa
harus ambil resiko? Mengapa juga kita masih terus mengkonsumsi makanan
berlemak? Apa enaknya kalau sudah sakit? Mengapa tidak mencari makanan enak
yang aman? Mengapa tidak belajar menikmati makanan yang sudah tersedia apa
adanya di alam ini?
Lupakan obat
anti lemak (kecuali kalau memang sudah sakit dan itupun harus dalam pengawasan
dokter yang baik dan mengerti serta mau mengerti ),
sebanyak mungkin makan buah manis tak berlemak, lengkapi dengan sayur atau jus
sayur segar, sedikit makan biji, sebisa mungkin hindari makanan yang diproses
(atau sekali saja dalam sehari) dalam porsi sedikit, hindari sama sekali produk
niscaya kita
tidak akan pernah risau dengan kolesterol  dalam hidup kita,
kita bisa membuang kata "detoks" dari kamus kita.
Berikut adalah
kutipan artikel tentang detoksifikasi (sayang tidak sempat menerjemahkannya...)
dan salam segar
bugar selalu!

Detox theory a myth and a waste of
Published on January 6, 2009 at 5:57 PM · 
·    A group of scientists in Britain say beyond the
clinical treatment of drug addiction and poisoning, the 'detox' theory is a
myth and the general public is being misled.
The scientists who are associated with the charity
'Sense About Science' say the best way to stay healthy is to eat plenty of
fresh fruit and vegetables and they say there is no evidence that products
which claim to help the body 'detox' work.
A group of over 300 young scientists and engineers
reviewed 15 products, ranging from bottled water to facial scrubs, and they
warn that the claims made about many such products are "meaningless".
They have put together a report called the "Detox
Dossier" which debunks the detox myth which follows an earlier report,
"There Goes The Science Bit..." published by Sense About Science,
which exposed a number of science claims by manufacturers about their products
and generated such interest that it led to the 'detox' investigation.
According to the Advertising Standards Authority in
the UK unsubstantiated claims by companies regarding their products are
challenged but the problem in this case appears to be the varied
interpretations of the term "detox".
Detox is currently was used to promote a range of
products with little consistent explanation of what the word means and more
often than not there is no evidence to support the 'detox' claims made.
The group challenged companies behind products such as
vitamins, shampoo, detox patches and a body brush on the evidence they had to
support the detox claims made and most producers and retailers were forced to
admit that they had simply used the term detox instead of the deadly dull
'cleaning' or 'brushing'.
The scientists say detox diets are a waste of money
and some are potentially dangerous - they cannot improve liver or kidney
function, and high doses of some of the detox supplements could have serious
and even deadly consequences - they could also interact in a negative manner
with other drugs and reduce their effectiveness.
The scientists involved included physiologists,
biochemists, doctors and pharmacists and they have produced a leaflet
"Debunking Detox" aimed at the general public which will be available
outside high street shops in central London.
The leaflet covers the bodies' own detox
system, the liver and the kidneys, and explains that money spent on expensive
treatments and products is unnecessary and says eating healthily and getting
plenty of sleep is a far better investment.
The leaflet will explain that shampoos,
cleansers and moisturizers which claim to have detox properties cannot help the
body remove excess substances and are no better than any other shampoos etc but
may be more expensive.
The investigators say detox patches for
the skin may make the area sweat more, and release very small amounts of
chemicals, but the effect is very small and makes little difference to the
overall amount of chemicals in the body.
Detox claims are now used to promote
everything from foot patches to hair straighteners without any reliable
evidence or consistent explanation on what the 'detox' process is supposed to
Sense About Science is a small charity
promoting evidence and good science for the public.

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