Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011



Dear instant noodle lovers,
Make sure you break for at least 3 days after one session of instant noodles before you eat your next packet! Please read the info shared to me by a doctor. My family stopped eating instant noodles more than 5 years ago after hearing about the wax coating the noodles - the wax is not just in the Styrofoam containers but it coats the noodles. This is why the instant noodles do not stick to each other when cooking.
If one were to examine the ordinary Chinese yellow noodles in the market, one will notice that, in their uncooked state the noodles are oily. This layer of oil prevents the noodles from sticking together.
Wonton noodles in their uncooked state have been dusted with flour to prevent them sticking together. When the hawker cooks the noodles, notice he cooks them in hot water and then rinses them in cold water before cooking them in hot water again. This process is repeated several times before the noodles are ready to be served. The cooking and rinsing process prevents noodles from sticking together.
The hawker then "lowers the noodles in oil and sauce to prevent the noodles from sticking if they are to be served dry. Cooking instructions for spaghetti require oil or butter to be added in the water when boiling the spaghetti to prevent the pasta from sticking together. Otherwise, one gets a big clump of spaghetti!
There was an SBC (now TCS) actor some years ago, who at a busy time of his career had no time to cook, resorted to eating instant noodles everyday. He got cancer later on. His doctor told him about the wax in instant noodles. The doctor told him that our body will need up to 2 days to clear the wax. There was also an SIA steward who after moving out from his mother's house into his own house, did not cook but ate instant noodles almost every meal. He had cancer, and has since died from it.
Nowadays the instant noodles are referred as "cancer noodles".
If you all eat Satay, don't ever forget to eat the cucumber, because eating Satay together with carbon after barbequing can cause cancer.
But we have a cure for that... Cucumber should be eaten after we eat the Satay because Satay has carcinogen (a cancer causing element) but cucumber is anti-carcinogenic. So don't forget to eat the cucumber the next time you have Satay's.

DO NOT eat shrimp / prawn if you have just taken VITAMIN C pills!!
This will cause you to DIE in ARSENIC (As) toxication within HOURS!!

Try this and see whether the pork you bought has worms.
There goes with your "Bak Kut Teh" for those who love it.
Most men love to eat this so watch out before it's too late.
If you pours Coke (yes, the soda) on a slab of pork, wait a little while,
you will SEE WORMS crawl out of it. A message from the Health Corporation
of Singapore about the bad effects of pork consumption. Pig's bodies contain MANY TOXINS,
 WORM and LATENT DISEASES. Although some of these infestations are harboured in other animals, modern veterinarians say that pigs are far MORE PREDISPOSED to these illnesses than other animals. This could be because PIGS like to SCAVENGE and will eat ANY kind of food, INCLUDING dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta including their own, garbage, and other pigs. INFLUENZA (flu) is one of the MOST famous illnesses which pigs share with humans. This illness is harboured in the LUNGS of pigs during the summer months and tends to affect pigs and human in the cooler months. Sausage contains bits of pigs' lungs, so those who EAT pork sausage tend to SUFFER MORE during EPIDEMICS of INFLUENZA. Pig meat contains EXCESSIVE quantities of HISTAMINE and IMIDAZOLE compounds, which can lead to ITCHING and INFLAMMATION; GROWTH HORMONE which PROMOTES INFLAMMATION and growth; sulphur containing mesenchymal mucus which leads to SWELLING and deposits of MUCUS in tendons and cartilage, resulting in ATHRITIS, RHEUMATISM, etc. Sulphur helps cause FIRM human tendons and ligaments to be replaced by the pig's soft mesenchymal tissues, and degeneration of human cartilage. Eating pork can also lead to GALLSTONES and OBESITY, probably due to its HIGH CHOLESTEROL and SATURATED FAT content. The pig is the MAIN CARRIER of the TAENIE SOLIUM WORM, which is found in its flesh. These tapeworms are found in human intestines with greater frequency in nations where pigs are eaten. This type of tapeworm can pass through the intestines and affect many other organs, and is incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage. One in six people in the US and Canada has RICHINOSIS from eating trichina worms, which are found in pork. Many people have NO SYMPTOMS to warm them of this, and when they do, they resemble symptoms of many other illnesses. These worms are NOT noticed during meat inspections.

Cancer-causing substance in shampoos. Go home and check your shampoo. Change before it's too late... Check the ingredients listed on your shampoo bottle, and see they have a substance by the name of Sodium Laureth Sulfate, or simply SLS. This substance is found in most shampoos; manufacturers use it because it produces a lot of foam and it is cheap. BUT the fact is, SLS is used to scrub garage floors, and it is very strong!!! It is also proven that it can cause cancer in the long run, and this is no joke. Shampoos that contains SLS: Vo5, Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, the new Hemp Shampoo from Body Shop etc. contain this substance.
The first ingredient listed (which means it is the single most prevalent ingredient) in Clairol's Herbal Essences is Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Therefore, I called one company, and I told them their product contains a substance that will cause people to have cancer. They said, Yeah we knew about it but there is nothing we can do about it because we need that substance to produce foam. By the way Colgate toothpaste also contains the same substance to produce the "bubbles". They said they are going to send me some information.
Research has shown that in the 1980s, the chance of getting cancer is 1 out of 8000 and now, in the 1990s, the chances of getting cancer is 1 out of 3, which is very serious. Therefore, I hope that you will take this seriously and pass this on to all the people you know, and hopefully, we can stop "giving" ourselves cancer-causing agents.

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Rumah Sehat Celine Dion

Rumah Pantai Celine Dion

                                           Celine Dion dan Suaminya Rene

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Manfaat Durian ? Sebuah kabar Baik

Dari Kiriman Teman ...

DURIAN - Durio zibethinus  – THE  KING   OF  ALL  FRUITS

FRUIT NUTRITION FACTS                  

Seringkali  jika kita membicarakan tentang buah durian, maka komentar yang pertama kali kita dengar adalah: “ Buah yang berbau” “Jangan terlalu banyak makan karena meninggikan tekanan darah dan menyebabkan tingginya kolesterol” “Menyebabkan stroke” dsb. dsb.
Sebelum kita memberikan pandangan yang begitu negatip terhadap buah ini, marilah kita mengenal lebih lanjut apakah  durian itu.
Buah durian ini awal mulanya berasal dari Brunei, dan Malaysia, kemudian juga ditanam di Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam.  Dinamakan durian karena buahnya yang berduri. Nama latin nya adalah Durio zibethinus,dan terdiri lebih dari 30 macam yang buahnya berwarna dari putih, kuning dan merah. Pohon durian ini baru sekitar lima tahun sesudah ditanam mulai berbuah, dan buah durian tergolong buah “musim” seperti juga buah2 tropis lainnya, manggis, nangka dan mangga yang kwalitasnya buah2nya terbaik sekitar bulan2 mei sampai oktober. Tinggi pohon durian dapat mencapai 50 meter, tergantung dari jenisnya.
Buah durian mempunyai bau khas yang tersendiri yang dapat diuraikan sebagai sangat harum dan menyegar sekalipun masih belum dipecah, sampai dinilai sebagai buah yang berbau busuk, bengal sehingga dilarang untuk dibawa masuk ke hotel.   
Mengenai akibat dari makan buah durian sampai sekarang ada ber macam2 analisa bahkan saling bertentangan. Ada yang mengatakan baha durian menyebabkan kenaikan darah tinggi, meninggikan kolesterol, menjadi penyebab masalah pada pergerakan usus besar dsb.
Darimana sumber berita ini dan siapa yang pernah menyelidikinya, dan apakah di Asia sendiri telah pernah diselidiki secara ilmiah, sampai sekarang tidak ada sumber yang dapat dipercaya, mungkin hal ini berdasarkan ceritra dan dongengan dari kakek moyang dahulu 
Sedangkan memurut penyelidikan laboratorium ahli2 nutris dan percobaan2 dalam bidang medis dari  USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) dan EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) sampai saat ini TIDAK terbukti bahwa durian adalah penyebab darah tinggi, atau menaikkan kolesterol dsb. Buah durian adalah buah yang tertinggi khasiat dan vitaminnya dibandingkan dengan segala buah2an yang ada didunia ini, sehingga diberi julukan King of all fruits. Durian mengandung pelbagai mineral alamiah yang sangat dibutuhkan dan mudah dicerna oleh tubuh kita. Fosfor dan zat besi durian adalah lebih dari   10 kali lebih banyak dari buah pisang. Disamping itu juga buah ini mengandung kadar  mangaan, tembaga  dan kalium yang sangat tinggi. 
Memang mereka yang mempunyai tekanan darah tinggi, dianjurkan untuk TIDAK mengkonsumsi buah ini bersama dengan alcohol karena dapat menyebabkan pendarahan otak atau stroke. Selain itu kadar glucose buah durian  begitu tinggi dan mudah dipercepat process perubahan alcoholnya, sehingga mereka yang menderita diabetes, dianjurkan untuk tidak mengkonsumsi durian.
Apakah manfaat durian bagi kesehatan tubuh kita?
Ø  Durian adalah buah yang kaya kadar asam folat dan zat besinya dan sangat berguna untuk mengatasi anemia.
Ø  Mencegah dan mengatasi sembelit karena durian sangat mengandung banyak serat, bahkan kulit durian yang dilumatkan dan dioleskan ke perut dapat memudahkan buang air  besar.
Ø  Kaya antioksidan dan pelbagai vitamin C, 33% dari kebutuhan vitamin harian.
Ø  Mengatasi bengkak dan obat penyakit ruam pada kulit (kurap).
Ø  Bermanfaat untuk  kesehatan tulang dan persendian karena mengandung kalsium, potasium, dan berbagai vitamin B.
Ø  Kandungan mangaan dapat menjaga kestabilan kadar gula dalam darah.
Ø  Mengandung tembaga yang sangat diperlukan untuk produksi sel-sel butir darah merah
Ø  Mengandung vitamin B-complex yan tinggi dan zat-zat yang jarang diketemui didalam buah2an lain yaitu niacine, riboflavine, pantotheenacid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine(vitamin B-6) en thiamine (vitamine B-1 ).
Ø  Kulit durian yang dibakar lalu dijadikan abu, airnya dapat melancarkan haid, tetapi juga bersifat abortif, selain itu dapat digunakan sebagai pengusir nyamuk.
Ø  Diyakini sebagai afrodisiak.
Ø  Akarnya dapat untuk mengobati infeksi pada kuku.
Ø  Buah durian dapat mengobati sakit kuning.
Ø  Meningkatkan nafsu makan karena mengandung niasin dan thiamin.
Ø  Riboflavin (vitamin B2) dapat membantu mengatasi migrain.
Ø  Memelihara kesehatan tiroid karena kandungan tembaganya.
Ø  Dapat mengurangi stres dan depresi karena kandungan piridoksin (B6).
Ø  Baik untuk kesehatan gigi karena mengandung fosfor (P).
Ø  Buah durian mengandung serat yang tinggi dan dapat mencegah kanker usus.
Ø  Karena buahnya yang sangat lunak dan mudah sekali dicernakan yang mengandung fruktosa dan sucrosa serta lemak, sangat bermanfaat sebagai penambah energi sehingga dapat  dipakai sebagai alat  pembantu anak2 yang sangat kurus kekurangan gizi. Lemak dari durian tergolong lemak yang bebas kolesterol karena unsaturated compounds fatty acids.
Ø  Asam amino (amino acid) dan tryptofan (TRP, W) yang merupakan satu dari 20 asam amino penyusun protein yang sangat esensial bagi manusia, satu prekursor vitamin B3 yang menginduksi rasa ngantuk dan relax, sehingga dikenal sebagai obat tidur alamiah dan juga diterapkan dalam bidang pengobatan epilepsi. Triptofan tidak dapat diproduksi oleh tubuh, tetapi didapati  sebagai nutrisi asupan dari proses pencernaan dengan enzim proteolitik.
Ø  (ook bekend als "slaappil van de natuur"), die in het lichaam metaboliseert in serotonine en melatonine, deze neuro-chemische stoffen zijn een belangrijke functies zoals slapen
Ø  Menurut legenda Asia, buah durian juga semacam obat perangsang seksual – Viagra, secara medis belum terbukti.
DURIAN  (Durio zibethinus)  -  Tabel berdasarkan analisa kadar nutris dari
Logo van het Efsa 
USDA LogoUnited States Department of Agriculture                                              European Food Safety Authority
KADAR GIZI  DURIAN  tiap 100 g. 
147 Kcal
27,09 g
Putih telur
1,47 g
5,33 g
0 mg
Dietary Fiber
3,8 g
Asam Folat (Folic Acid) – Vitamin B9
36 mcg
Niacine  (Nicotinic Acid) – Vitamin B3
1,074 mg
Asam pantotenat – Vitamin B5
Pantothenic acid
0,230 mg
Pyridoxine  - Vitamin B6
0,316 mg
Riboflavine – Vitamin B2
0,200 mg
Tiamina  - Thiamine – Vitamin B1
0,374 mg
Vitamin A
44 IE
Vitamin C
19,7 mg
2 mg
436 mg
6 mg
0,207 mg
0,43 mg
30 mg
0,325 mg
39 mg
Zink (Zn)
0,28 mg
6 mcg
23 mcg